Sound of Liberty
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Sound of Liberty is a special project of ARTC to bring classic and modern works of SF that emphasize the Bill of Rights to life as audio drama.
Novels / Stories Acquired
Please note this list is incomplete at this time
Stories in Need of Adaptation
- Owl Goingback - Croata [1]
- Brad Linaweaver - "The Bison Riders" (short story) [2]
- J. Neil Schulman - Alongside Night [3]
- Brad Linaweaver and Kent Hastings - Anarquia [4]
- Michael Z. Williamson - Contact with Chaos [5]
Stories With Potential Writers Attached
- Jerry Pournelle - Exiles to Glory [6] (possible interest from Daniel Taylor to adapt)
- L. Neil Smith - The Probability Broach [7] (Tony Sarecchia has submitted the first draft and is doing revisions)
- A. E. van Vogt - The Weapon Shops of Isher and The Weapon Makers [8] (Bill Ritch adapting)
- Brad Linaweaver - Moon of Ice [9] (Brad Strickland has volunteered to do this adaptation at Brad Linaweaver's request)
- Phil Nutman - Wetwork [10] (Tony Sarecchia has indicated interest)
- Brad Linaweaver and Bill Ritch - "The Proper Thing to Do" (short story) (adaptation complete) (audio editing complete) (released)
Writers Notes
Writers wishing to do adaptations for Sound of Liberty should submit a treatment with the following information:
- Character list - A list of the major and minor characters. [extras, and one-liners need not be included]
- Story arc - A concise [5-ish pages] synopsis of the plot of the story, arranged in acts, and scenes. This is a proposal, so you will have some freedom to re-arrange as you write. Mostly we are looking for where are the "beats" and what elements you plan to keep in, and what you are planning on omitting.
- Philosophical spine - What idea is the original writer trying to get across and how are you going to express this dramatically?
If you are a writer not already in communication with a member of ARTC, please contact us to indicate interest and with any questions.